Why Perkins Stafford Is a Student’s Best Friend For A Loan?
Studying is always a money intensive activity to take up. When you consider that most students have not had the chance to enter the workforce yet, you will learn to appreciate how big a financial burden a student can have on his hands to complete his studies. The higher the education level, the more money is needed.…
17 Questions To Ask Yourself When Opening A Checking Account
What is the initial deposit required to activate the account?
What is the interest on idle funds in the account?
Simple or compounded interest rates?
Balance Transfer Booby Traps And How To Wriggle Your Way Out
At one point or another in time, you must have noticed the explosion of balance transfers in the market. No matter whether you are in USA, the UK, or even Singapore, the market would have devoured this product one way or another until it became too saturated for lender to continue their aggressive acquisitions.
Balance transfers are fundamentally…
16 Facts You Are Supposed To Know About Your Current Loan Details
It is a wonder why most people only know 2 things about their loans. The quantum they borrow, and the monthly payment amount they have to make. Most people don’t even notice when administrative fees are directly deducted from the disbursement. Because usually when someone is getting a loan, his focus is probably on getting his hands…
3 Confusing Credit Card Traps That Are Often Overlooked
It would be basically idiot-proof if the terms of a loan is simply $14 interest on every $100. There will be less disgruntled customers and the issuers will have to spend less money on dispute resolution and customer service training. The sad part is that life will never be this easy. Adding unforeseen hazardous charges and penalty…
Dilemma Of Giving Your Teenage Child A Credit Card
You just know this is coming. From the time your child was born, you dread the day when she becomes self-aware. Now she is starting to enter the phase of peer pressure and starts having serious crushes on boys that have yet to fulfil puberty. And the latest headache your daughter has given you is the dilemma…