Learn Your Personal Financial Position With These 5 Ratios

Many people take simple and extreme measures to steer their financial situations away from trouble or towards wealth. But most of us don’t even know what the goal is. If you are already in the midst of a new direction, you might not even know if real progress has been made.

The problem is that little or no…

5 Tips To Catch Up With Retirement Financial Goals

Even the most perfectly flawless financial plan needs strict discipline to achieve. At some point ,you might realize that you have fallen far short of your financial targets in regards to your retirement. So how are you going to retire as planned when the numbers don’t allow you to do so.

Don’t lose hope. Here are some things…

Emergency Cash Reserves – How Much Should You Keep?

How much money to keep as your emergency funds is another one of those questions where the answer will frustrate many. Because the answer starts with “it depends…”

Nobody knows for sure what the future holds. This is why even veteran and savvy investors keep a healthy cash reserve in cash of emergency situations. The pragmatic way to…

4 Big Goals To Prioritize For Your Savings

It is like listening to a broken record to hear financial planning experts talking about saving money. And the overused term being used to make saving money a priority is the good old boring “for a rainy day”. It is the type of answer that goes into the “it depends” category. The type of answer that can…

5 Temptations That Will Derail Your Budget Control Plans

In our modern world we are up against it in any effort to keep a tab on our spending habits. Just put it this way. It only takes a minute for someone to go full flow into splashing the cash and build up that monthly credit statement. But it will take a long long time to save…

How Money Is Created In The World Today

In ancient times, gold was the currency that was being traded for items depending on the value of the gold. This was because gold have a proven history of holding up it’s value over long periods of time. Even today, gold is still a very valuable item that can be exchanged or pawned for cash.

But something changed…