5 Costs Of Destroying Your Own Credit

When people realize that they have bad credit, many feel that they have been victimized. It makes sense that they have been the victims of late payments, loan defaults, unpaid credit card bills, and debt settlements. Just that are the ones who had victimized themselves.

The truth is that nobody can force anyone to borrow money. And when…

5 Simple Steps To Take Charge Of Your Credit Score

Most people are not even aware that there is such a thing as a credit score until it causes them problems when applying for some type of credit facilities. It is also not an exaggeration to say that most people who do have loans like mortgages or personal loan may not even be aware that such thing…

What Activities Really Screws Up Your Credit Report?

One of the most loathed factors for the rejection of any loan facility is bad credit. For credit scores that are just unsatisfactory, lenders can still grant loans with less favorable terms. It is those with bad credit who can get an outright rejection without any real explanation from the lenders. But usually these people will know…

How Your FICO Score Is Calculated

The exact details of how your FICO score will probably never the light of day. Because if these details get into the public domain, there is a chance that people who are too smart will be able to abuse it. This can cause chaos in the financial world. Can you imagine if a serial debtor somehow manages…

Steps To Take In Correcting Credit Report Errors

If your fate would be decided by a set of information about you that is collected by someone else, how stupid will it be if the information negatively impacts you with inaccuracy and errors? It would be like getting your water turned off even though you have been diligently paying off the bills. You would have become…