5 Simple Concepts To Personal Financial Management
Without considering those who have struck the genetic lottery by being born with a silver spoon, everybody runs into a cash tight situation once in a while. But living with a poor man’s mentality is not going to get you out of your miserable predicament soon. So stop living in the present and think about the future.…
Personal Finance Is Not Just For Your Parents Or Elderly
If you are a teenager or a young adult, you might be right to a certain extent to think that any issues concerning personal finances are exclusively the problems for your parents. But pretty soon, you will also shoulder the burden of handling your own finances. It is a responsibility. So you might as well start young…
So What Is Personal Finance Exactly?
To put in in layman terms, personal finance is everything you do in your life that has something to do with the ins and outs of money. If we sum it up that way, it probably encompasses everything, except digging your nose. From choosing the number of channels to subscribe on cable, to buying the best tasting…
7 Types Of Loans That Can Cause You A Nose Bleed
If you have already set your sights on getting a loan, the benefits of getting your hands on cash can often cloud your judgement on what you are actually paying for it. But whatever types of borrowing you eventually go for, you would want to avoid the ones below as you can easily find alternatives that offer…
Balance Transfer Booby Traps And How To Wriggle Your Way Out
At one point or another in time, you must have noticed the explosion of balance transfers in the market. No matter whether you are in USA, the UK, or even Singapore, the market would have devoured this product one way or another until it became too saturated for lender to continue their aggressive acquisitions.
Balance transfers are fundamentally…
16 Facts You Are Supposed To Know About Your Current Loan Details
It is a wonder why most people only know 2 things about their loans. The quantum they borrow, and the monthly payment amount they have to make. Most people don’t even notice when administrative fees are directly deducted from the disbursement. Because usually when someone is getting a loan, his focus is probably on getting his hands…