4 Tips On Getting Professional Help To Get Out Of Debt
You do not need to explain to anyone of you decide on hiring a professional to help you get out of debt. In a way, you are now passing that responsibility to a someone else so that you can blame others when you fail again. if you think about it, a pro is no magician. He cannot…
The Minimum Payment Trap That Comes With Debt
We often think about credit card whenever we talk about minimum payments. But a lot of loans also come with minimum payment terms that lower down your defences. The basic idea behind it is that you do not have to pay the full amount due when a payment is due. Instead, you will only need to pay…
17 Questions To Ask Yourself When Opening A Checking Account
What is the initial deposit required to activate the account?
What is the interest on idle funds in the account?
Simple or compounded interest rates?