3 Easy Strategies To Save On Your Car Loan

For most people, a mortgage is the biggest financial commitment they will take up in their lifetime. And for most people too, a car loan is the second biggest liability they have to ever repay. To put it into perspective, transport is almost as important as having a roof over your head. Sometimes, a 10 minute drive…

What Activities Really Screws Up Your Credit Report?

One of the most loathed factors for the rejection of any loan facility is bad credit. For credit scores that are just unsatisfactory, lenders can still grant loans with less favorable terms. It is those with bad credit who can get an outright rejection without any real explanation from the lenders. But usually these people will know…

5 Financial Windfalls That Often Go To Waste

The most obvious type of windfall disasters we often read about in the news concerns those who won the sweepstakes. The stories revolves around how people go broke a few years after winning the lottery. But don’t forget that for every one of these depressing stories, there are probably more about how people have made good use…

How Being A Bankrupt Helps You In 5 Ways

While bankruptcy is often seen as the end-game for someone financially, they are not always the cases in reality. Don’t get me wrong. It does not write off all your debt and present you a new lease of life. But it can help you in many ways. This could be the reason why many well know individuals…