Emergency Funds – Term Loan Or Credit Overdraft Account

It is the twentieth century and no longer do people keep a sack of currency notes in the corner of the bedroom for emergencies. When it comes to making preparations for a buffer of emergency funds, there are actually countless avenues that are available to the general public. But it almost always will be 2 choices that…

Risky Nature Of Acquiring Real Estate Using Home Equity Loans

While financial freedom gurus and seminar junkies might insist that going full leverage to build a real estate empire, it is a rather risky move when you are an inexperienced investor. The self-defeating irony is that the people most receptive to such radical ideas are newbies. Imagine if you had gone waist-deep into debts against everything you…

7 Crucial Items Evaluated For Company Loan Applications

As you can expect, instead of conducting their own audit on your accounts, lenders focus their attention span on just a few critical items from a company’s financial statements when assessing a business loan application. Whether your request for funds get an approval or immediately rejection is more often than not, dependent on one (if not all)…